Thursday, September 26, 2013

In My Shoes

Hi, I'm DeAna and this blog is MY PERSPECTIVE.
Its a look at what it's like to be in my shoes - my testimony
of trials and what God has taught me through them.
I will mainly be sharing about my trial with infertility, 
but will also be sharing about my many health issues, 
the ups & downs of being a pastor's wife, 
and our journey as church planters.  
My desire is that this blog portray an open & honest view of trials 
and how to respond to them properly.

I am a child at heart who loves bubblegum, rollerskates, & make-believe. 
I love to slip on my tennis shoes and just play. 
I also love to be fancy, slip on my high heels, 
stick my pinky up in the air, and sip tea like a proper lady : )
 Honestly, I can be quite a mess at times, 
but that's when God's grace is truly sufficient 
my dear husband says I'm "his" mess : )haha. 

So, with God & my family on my side, 
I can face any trial that comes my way.

Come walk a mile in my shoes. . . 


  1. Am I the first? I can't find were to subscribe or join.

    1. Hi Carrie,
      Thank you so much for being involved in my Grand Opening and supporting this endeavor : )
      God Bless!

  2. I just spent the past 15 minutes trying to recover my Google account because they've been locking me out. So now I can join! Yay! Congratulations on your new blog. I know it's going to be a blessing to many people.

    1. Hi, I'm glad you got your Google all worked out : ) Thank you for your help on my blog and I hope you enjoy it. I pray it blesses many people's hearts. Love and prayers for you and your family. God Bless.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes guys are allowed : ) it's not all girly stuff :) thanks for your support!!!

  4. Praying for you daily and looking forward to reading your posts as you share with us what the Lord has given you. Love you!

    1. Becky, thank you for your love, prayers, and support. I am excited about it too : )

  5. I am so excited about this blog! I am looking forward to "taking a walk in your shoes"!
