"If" it was cancer...
I KNEW God would take care of me and every time a fearful thought crossed my mind I tried so hard to claim His wonderful promises in His word and try to rejoice in my suffering and thank God.
I KNEW I was suppose to thank God for EVERYTHING and thus began my journey of truly understanding what that actually means.
I KNEW I would be ok. I was just worried about how everyone else would react, but prayed I could be a strong example of Gods grace.
I KNEW God would take whatever the outcome and use it for His glory.
I KNEW I would draw closer to God in my trial, and I did. I learned, in a deep way, about His love, how to truly trust Him, and the meaning of having JOY in ALL things.
I KNEW I was saved and wondered what it would be like to meet Jesus face to face...I wondered what Heaven was like.
I KNEW I would need my husband and my family more than ever. I realized the deep gratefulness I had towards God for giving me such a wonderful family.
I KNEW I would need prayer and I was truly overwhelmed and so humbled by the hundreds of people all over the world that were talking with The Lord on my behalf...Wow!!!
I KNEW if it wasn't cancer we would rejoice and be so happy, AND OH the tears that fell the day we got a good diagnosis!!!!! No cancer. Praise The Lord!!!! I can't express the amazing relief!!!
But, you know what?
The scare of cancer - that "if"...
THAT is what I'm thankful for!!!!!
I realized I get to be thankful
for something this year
I've never been thankful for before...
Being thankful has a whole different meaning this year!!!!!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

*These pictures are from a few years ago on Thanksgiving - I just love them : )
~ Be thankful unto Him and bless His name, for the Lord is good!!! ~