~ Blueberry Muffins & The Cross ~
This is a candid story about church planting, Gods love, and a Sunday that changed my life...
hopes dashed...
we only had 2 people show up, which I DO count my blessings for, don't take me wrong, I just had higher expectations.
Its just that I had prayed SOOOOOO hard that week - for the service, for visitors, for Neil's message, for my special music. I had so much faith that things were going to go well and that God would bring us more people to minister to...
I woke up that rainy Sunday morning and my spirits were high, I stood outside in the bitter cold for a while, before sunday school, and specifically prayed for everyone- prayed that God would bind Satan and that there would be no excuses for people to not come. You know? those really specific, heartfelt prayers(almost begging God).
The rain could be a deterrent, but I knew God could bring people even then. HOWEVER, no one else came and my heart was so saddened throughout the song service and announcements.
I forced a smile as I played piano.
I walked up to sing my special and by the time I was finished singing my song, "The Cross", I was overwhelmed by emotion and just sat down and sobbed as quietly as I could. I pulled myself together pretty quickly so I could put on a happy smile and be an encouragement and support to Neil as he began to preach.
I tried to pay attention, but my mind was distracted with SO MANY thoughts...
"Why can't people just come"
"I didn't feel like it, but i made refreshments anyway"
"My special music matched the sermon perfectly"
"Lord, are we missing something?"
"I'd really like to see results"
"Only TWO people will enjoy my blueberry muffins AND they're good muffins too, AND I sacrificed time to make them, AND...on and on..."
So as you can see I was obviously reacting in the flesh, disappointed, and upset.
I saw my husband up there preaching his heart out! I thought, "That must be hard to preach to just 3 people and we are all saved. I complained to the Lord, "Lord, why can't there be unsaved people here to hear this sermon."
I was so distracted, but I pulled my attention back to my husband and tried to listen.
The sermon was on Knowing Jesus Christ & His passion for the cross.
AND RIGHT THEN God began to work an amazing change in my heart...
By God's grace, I began to pray for my husband and really TRULY began to listen to his message. I realized that I needed the preaching from God's word just as much as the unsaved.
He was preaching on the cross - Christ sacrificed for ME, He loved ME, he died for ME, He cared deeply for ME(the one who is sitting here complaining). I have SO much to be grateful for because Christ suffered ALL for me and my only suffering right now is that only 2 people will be able to enjoy my blueberry muffins!!! Haha!
Because GOD extends this deep personal love for me, then He must know my great disappointment and sadness right now, in this moment.
He knows me.
He loves me.
He won't give me anything I can't handle...
I'll be OK : )
I had been sitting in my chair having a pitty party, but that quickly changed to having a praise party for all God's goodness in my life. I was saved. I was loved by Him -that's all I needed!
PS - Hubby and I had yummy blueberry muffins to snack on for a few days : ) MmmmmmWhat a sweet Sunday it was!
PPS - Every time you eat a blueberry muffin remember HOW MUCH God loves you!!!
PPPS - Sing "Jesus Loves Me" right now...I double dog dare you : )lol