The "LOL"of Infertility!
(finding humor in the struggle)
National Infertility Awareness Week...
and it is truly my desire to raise awareness for infertility and that is one reason I started my blog - to share and encourage and help. I don't want to beat a dead horse though, either, with each blog entry being a sad, tear-jerking story of someone's struggle with infertility.
So, in accordance to this being National Infertility Awareness Week AND ALSO being National Humor Month I decided to focus on the ironic and sarcastic humor of infertility : )
~ "I REALLY hope their fertility drugs start working soon", said the dog wearing a baby bonnet!!!!!!!
~ IVF: taking the fun out of procreation since 1978
~Waitress: how would you like your eggs?
Me: fertilized!!! oops, did i just say that in my outloud voice!!!!!! haha
~ Friend 1...Did you take another test this month? Friend 2...yes, but I got one line AGAIN, so I set it on fire and ate a box of chocolates while it burned!!!! ROFLOL!
~ First comes love! Then comes marriage! Then comes infertility, apparently!!!!!
~Feed a cold. Starve a fever. Give Clomid ANYTHING it wants!
~ Guess who gets to use hormone suppositories three times today? THIS GIRL!!!!!!! lol : )
~ "It's so simple", You say - the cure for the medical problem of Infertility is to...relax. Ok, so the next time someone tells me they have Diabetes I'll tell them to...relax, and that will fix their medical condition!!!!
~Mother to child... "I'm sorry I spent your entire college fund trying to conceive you".
~ The two week wait (TWW) must be in dog time, cause it feels more like a year than 14 days!!!!!!!
~ Everyone keeps popping out kids and I'm like - "My dog is cute" : )
Hope you enjoyed the humor.
To be serious for a moment...THE STRUGGLE OF INFERTILITY IS DIFFICULT, but "strength grows out of struggles". Struggle, many times, brings about a greater good. STRUGGLE WILL COME..."It’s either an ordeal or a magnificent experience, depending on your attitude towards it" and I don't want my attitude to become negative or bitter. I strive to keep our attitude POSITIVE and our struggle of infertility surrendered to The Lord.
How about you?
Do you struggle with infertility?
Do you need support and encouragement?
I know it's hard to open up, but trust me, it helps, and you really need support. This is such a silent trial that many carry on their own, but God wants us to bear one another's burdens, so let me help you bear yours.
Please private message me sometime or email me at